Managing Anger in Three Easy Steps-The R.E.R method

We all get angry. The boss is on our back, the mother in law won’t leave us alone, the kids are running wild. There are many reasons we get angry and some of those reasons are completely justifiable. It’s ok to get angry but when we do we need to own it.

These 3 easy steps can help us to let go of our anger and just move on.

Recognizing our anger and acknowledging it is the first step to control the way we react to it. Once we figure out why we are angry then we can start to resolve the problem. What is the root of the problem? Who is involved? How do we get past it?

Having empathy, or trying to understand the feelings of another, can help to overcome the anger. Why is the boss on your back? Could it be that her boss is on her back? Maybe it has nothing to do with you at all. Think about the fact that the person making you angry needs your sympathy and not your animosity. If you put yourself in that person’ shoes does that change the situation?

Once we’ve recognized the problem and empathized with the cause of our problems we can release the anger. It’s ok to let it go and in fact we will feel much better when it is gone and out of our minds.

Next time you are angry just remember the R.E.R method. RECOGNIZE. EMPATHIZE. RELEASE.